MLM Depression Tornado

So you are super excited about your business and you offer it to all your

family and friends.

They stand you up at your home meetings and miss their phone call appointment

with you.

Your best builder goes AWOL…:)

Some change companies, and some quit forever.

Now here is where the depression comes in, it is all about YOUR mindset.

You can dwell on them leaving you, or you can know that it is just part of

the business and move on….never take it personally.

No one in this business can escape from attrition.

The sooner someone leaves who isn’t serious the better…less time you

will waste on them.

Let people run their business the way they want to…not how you want them


Remember there is a place for everyone in your business.

Your focus should not be on those that leave, but on the right position for those

in your business.

The more people active in your business the better.

Some will buy at wholesale, some will be part-time builders, and a few full-time builders.

Love them all and work with the leaders.

There is nothing wrong with you or your business… everyone has no shows, and

people that leave to another company…it is part of the game.

So when you offer your business to someone and they say no, do not get

depressed, know you are one step closer to a yes.

If no one is working in your business go find those that will!

Never spend time trying to drag people over the line, they will only drag into the

depression tornado!

Put your energy into the ones who are excited and want to work.
