The Magic Of A Smile ~ Works Miracles!

A real sincere smile works like “magic”.
Think of all the people you know that
are easy to get to know…they all smile
and laugh a lot. People that smile give
joy to others and you want to be around
them. A smile says ” I like you”, ” I am
approachable”, “Let’s be friends”,.
A true smile comes from the heart! You
cannot just go through the motions of
a smile on your face…it doesn’t work.
If you want your smile to be a friend
maker, it must come from deep inside of
you. Imagine yourself smiling from the can’t feel friendly and hostile
at the sometime.
A smile can change your mood from sad
to happy. Think about it…a total stranger
walks by you and gives you a warm, sincere
smile, it makes you feel good. A child smiles
at you and lifts your day…try it!
Now, lets go for a big smile. Some of us do
not smile because we were taught not to
show how we feel. Or maybe you think you
do not have a nice smile. We all were
blessed with a great smile. It is within
you…the question is are you willing to let
it out?
Use your mirror everyday to bring your
smile out. Look in the mirror and think
about something that makes you very
happy and let go. Now you see the real
smile that will say to others ,”I am
friendly”. It may sound silly and too
simple, but it works…try it! If you have
trouble at first, keep trying, maybe say
the word cheese, get the muscles
warmed up. Remember, our actions bring
out our feelings, just as our feelings bring
out our actions.
A genuine smile works wonders. Ask a
friend a favor with a smile and they most
likely will do the favor. Give a smile to a
stranger, and they feel like they have
known you for a while. The smile MUST
be a real smile…fake will not do, you may
as well not smile at all if you do not mean
it…they can tell.
Do not be afraid to be the first one to
smile, assume the the other person is
friendly, you will be right most of the time.
Sometimes, they are not friendly, you
cannot do anything about that, don’t let
that hold your smile back. Start today,
practice your smile, you know what a
real smile looks like.
Relax, and make smiling a habit!

Let Your Smile Out,


2 thoughts on “The Magic Of A Smile ~ Works Miracles!

  1. Great post on smiles Alice!! A smiles means a lot to a lot of people and can change anyone’s attitude in a positive way! Keep up the good work!


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