The Law Of The Mirror

Do you believe in YOU?

What do you see when you look into the mirror?

Are you kind to yourself?

There is a seed within everyone of us that needs to be watered
to grow into a successful blossom.

Be careful not to look into the mirror too long…it is not about

Shine the mirror on others, nurture the seed within them to become
the greatest self they can be.

In return you will find the greatest YOU!

You must find value in yourself to be able to add value to others.

Do you love yourself?

Work on you, water your own seed daily with self development.

What you put into you, you will be able to put into the mirror
to shine on others.

You will never be able to shine the mirror on others if you do
not work on you.

Be mindful of the environment you are in, the people that you allow
into your life and business.

Create your world, you have a dream within you.

You dream everyday while you sleep and while you are awake.

The dream you dream can be heaven or hell…it is within you.

Your mirror can be filled with good or bad, and when you shine it
onto others the reflection they see comes from within you.

Make it a habit to always shine the mirror onto others, there is
greatness in everyone, they must grow it and believe it.

If you are not doing this already find a way to serve and add value
to others on a weekly basis.

Find your strength that will benefit others, and makes you feel good
about yourself.

Take small steps daily at first.

If you already serve others, step it up….do more.

So how much should you serve?

If you work 40 hours a week, serve others 4 hours.

Fill yourself with good and shine strong!

Alice McCarthy

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