Permission To Receive – Creating Profit In Your Bank Account

Creating money in your bank account requires that

you become comfortable receiving money. Sounds

easy, but many have trouble receiving. Receiving

compliments, love, or money is hard for some. How

do you feel when someone pays you a compliment?

Are you open to receiving the compliment or does it

make you uncomfortable? Next time someone pays

you a compliment say thank you, don’t devalue the

compliment. It is a prefect time to connect with that

person. Now how do you feel about receiving money

in your business? Do you feel strong that you are

providing a valuable service or providing an awesome

product..or do you feel guilty for taking their money?

Do you feel you are providing an opportunity for others

to better themselves or do you worry about disappointing

them? It is very important that you become comfortable

receiving from others, or you will not make it in your

business. Most of us grew up with “don’t take money from

strangers” and you now feel guilty.You must get past that

for your bank account to grow. Understand people buy on

emotion, buy because they like you, but they will join you

in your business when they respect you. You are in a field

that anyone can become successful…learn to be comfortable

receiving compliments, love, and money!

Alice McCarthy
