Mr. & Mrs. Know It All


Day 15 ~ The Know It All Tongue

Hey you know you should…

Do you find yourself using should a lot?

Some people have such a high regard for their
own opinion.

Understand that most people will resist you and
anything you say if you think you know what is
best for them!

Even if you know the whole situation, maybe it
is someone very close to you, go very slowly here,
it is delicate.

If you give your advice, it might seem to the other
you are being controlling.

You may very well have their best interest in mind
when you share your thoughts, but it might not be
received that way.

Some times they just need someone to listen to them.

If you do give your opinion, be thoughtful in the choice of words you speak.

Validate their feelings…and before you unleash your
mind, start with something like “You know best in this situation, I do not pretend to know more than you, can I share…”

This will take their defense guard down and let your thoughts in.

Sometimes it is best to be quiet and listen…even if you know the whole story already, give the other person the satisfaction of sharing with you.

Have you ever stopped someone in mid sentence because you thought you already knew the situation?

Do you give unsolicited advice because you think you know what is best?

Do you use your own knowledge to cover up your short comings?

Are you starving to be in the spot light?

When dealing with the heart of others, it is like a delicate surgery, one wrong word and the heart can stop.

Alice McCarthy

Today’s Affirmation:

I will be thoughtful and only share my opinion when asked,
and with their heart in mind!

The wise don’t make a show of their knowledge,
but fools broadcast their foolishness. 12:23 NLT
