Let Them Laugh At You…Stay In Action

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You share your business or product with someone
and they don’t get the opportunity and say no
to trying the products.

What do you do now?

My friend, you stay in action…keep sharing what
you have.

Never let anyone take your dream away.

It always starts small…it starts with you.

An idea, a dream… you have to be the best you
can be in your business.

For some they have to get out of the getting
ready to get ready mode.

They have read the books, attended the seminars,
know what to do…they just have to get into ACTION!

For some, they were in action and were laughed at, or
told no so many times…they are now shy to share.

Let the laughers laugh, let the people that said no
remain broke…you my friend, stay in action, there
will come a day when you are the one laughing!!

Alice McCarthy
