Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Green Grass

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Do you ever feel the pull to look at another business?

Maybe there is someone making great money that you
know, so you think you should jump ship to that deal, and
you too will be rolling in the dough.

Here is the thing…


It doesn’t matter what company you are with, it really doesn’t,
if your mind is not in the right place.


Find your why…the one that makes you cry.


There was a time I didn’t understand that completely…I sure do now.


In this industry if your “why” reason for doing your business is not
so super strong, you will not be able to go through all the potholes
along the way.

So when things get tough…and they will, put the focus glasses on,
without theses glasses everything is out of focus, with them you can
see where you are going!


You have heard “the grass is greener on the other side”… I say take
care of the grass you have now, water it, fertilizer it, love it…and watch
it grow.


Grass on either side, can lose it’s bright green color if you let it!

Time to pull out your pen and note book.

Go somewhere quite and put your thoughts down on paper.

What are your reasons for doing your business?

Why did you pick the business you are in now?

Would you buy the product/service without a pay-plan  attached to it!
(this one is super important)


Keep writing, ask yourself many questions till you have found the “why”
that is going to make you go through all the bumps in the road.


Really drill down deep to find your why…and if it is strong enough,
and you know you have the right vehicle, put those focus glasses on
and start driving.


Along your journey you will see many places with lovely green grass ,
keep going… take care of your own grass, make it grow!


The grass is not always greener on the other side…it just appears that way!

Alice McCarthy

**Tools For Any Business**

**Work With Alice**




