Reach Your Goals…Step By Step

Going up the stairs to your goals can
be scary.

It is human nature to stay in our comfort zone…
you know that cozy little place where we feel
safe, but do not grow!

Time to challenge yourself, this can be exciting,
embrace it, feel it, do not let fear get you!

Get real clear on what you want.

Big goals, little goals, just make sure it is
what you REALLY want.

Do not judge yourself, nothing is silly, all your
goals are unique to you!

Now that you have your goals in your mind, and are committed to making them come true, do these three things…

1. Write them down or they will only be wishes.

2. Speak them out load…kept to yourself may never come true.

3. Action…no action, no result can come of your goals!

To be in charge…write it, speak it, act on it.

By writing your goals down you take ownership of them.

By speaking them you create accountability.

By taking action you begin the climb up the stairs to the flag.

Be very specific on the details and add a deadline.

Example: I will help 8 moms design their business by May 24, 2014 before 11 pm Eastern time.

Remember, a goal without a deadline is just a wish!

Now set some deadlines for the action you will take.

Example: In the next 24 hours I will talk to 10 moms by April 24, 2014 by 11pm Eastern time.

By giving it a day and time you are engraving it into your mind!

Take it day by day, step by step, breaking it up into several goal steps along your climb to the top.

Here is a  goal sheet for you to help you in designing your life and business.

To Your Success,

Alice McCarthy

Step By Step Goal Sheet

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One thought on “Reach Your Goals…Step By Step

  1. Hi Alice,
    Writing down goals always works for me! As long as we write them in present tense like you mention above.

    I remember when I tried to do this saying “I want to” instead of “I am” What a difference!

    Great message you have given here that really works!

    donna merrill recently posted..Have You Come A Long Way, Blogger?

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