Tips For Better Headlines

Understanding how to write better headlines so
your emails, blog posts or landing pages will get
open and read.

Getting your message seen all starts with what
you decide to write for a headline.

People see so many messages everyday they
can’t read everything that comes across their
eyes, so they decide REALLY fast if your message
is something that might be of value to them.

A good way to get them opened is to use how to,
3 tips, 7 ways to, want to, you get the idea.
All of these lead to a benefit, you want to give them
a reason to click.

You can also write wacky headlines that peak
curiosity, but make sure they have something
to do with the subject.

Be creative, and think like the customer or prospect.

A good idea would be to grab a note book and start
writing down some headlines.
Don’t over think them, let them sit for a day, then
take another look at them, you will see some that
will appeal to you.

Always be sure once you get your great headline that
the message has to do with the headline or there
will be a disconnect and they will click away fast.

Here is a headline creator you might enjoy!


17 thoughts on “Tips For Better Headlines

  1. Hi Alice,

    Two things I spend a lot of time with are headlines and content creation. We are so overwhelmed with emails nowadays that getting people to open them gets more and more difficult.

    Thank you for the link, that will be very useful.

    Kelvin Myles

    1. Yes Kelvin, it is so tricky to get our messages read,
      the door is our headline.

      Your welcome for the link 🙂

  2. Hey Alice,
    I think Headlines are absolutely crucial when it comes to anything that you are trying to portray a “call to action”. Whether it be to open that email or continue reading a blog post. It takes a lot of due diligence and work to find the perfect headline!
    Great video.

    1. It all starts with the headline…it has to catch the eye!

      Thanks for visiting Kyle

  3. Thank you Alice for reminding me to choose the headlines of my videos in a smart and captivating way.
    I was told we need to use key words in the titles of our videos too, I love sexy headlines I think it counts more than 50% of the article or video.
    Right now I am challenged by the titles to put in the videos too
    (annotations and title in the video for a take to action.)

  4. Hi Alice,
    Welcome to the networking superstars, it’s great to connect. I find it fascinating reading and learning from other peoples blogs as I’ve only been online for a few weeks. It’s great to be reminded of the importance of headlines and you do forget to think about what would stop and get your attention…think like you are the reader not the writer. Impressive help here.

  5. Thanks Alice for this great post,
    The title of this headline grabbed my attention;)
    I think that a good title needs to be short, elicit curiosity and have the key words that invites our target market to open it now.

  6. Hi Alice, Its great to see you on video. You have some good tips. I guess I had a little disconnect on the previous post I commented on. I wasn’t expecting for the writer to assume I was in MLM. sorry for my sarcasm. God bless you,

    1. Curt I am glad you found value here 🙂

      p.s. a good leader looks past sarcasm and negativity!

      Have a great week Curt

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