Staying Motivated In Business


A big part of success in our business is staying motivated. And, that motivation comes from within you.


No one else can motivate another.


Start to motivate yourself by finding your why; your inner passion; desire and drive. Get those goals down in writing.


Write out a simple daily action plan that you can and will commit to.


Arm yourself with positive reinforcements and a plan to know what you will do on those days you feel like quitting.


Each day, wipe the slate clean; revisit your why and take action on your written plan.


Before long, you’ll find yourself motivated and creating strong habits for success.


As you begin to form strong habits it is important to keep the heat up.


Focus giving consistent mental attention to why you are doing what you are doing.


Distractions of the day can and will steal your motivation.



Your attention has to focus on what has to be done NOW …or your dreams will drift out to sea dragging your motivation with it.


Some might think such motivated focused borders on obsession.  Do not fear obsessing on a great life.



Without such focus our motivation would only be half hearted and our hopes and dreams would have no staying power.


Fan  your fire daily, anyone can be motivated with consistent action.   When motivation dies, the dream does not die, just the effort that is put in has died.


So the answer to keeping motivated is clear….Keep going on no matter what.



It is a choice, your choice to focus and take daily steps to keep the motivation fire burning.

Alice McCarthy 20150914_095450

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