Too Many Experts, Too Much Noise!

Too Much Noise

With everyone calling themselves an expert, who do you follow…how do you know which way to go?

So many conference calls..all the noise…so hard to process it all.

We want to learn from all of them and become the expert ourselves now!

At some point you will have to block out all the noise and pick one, maybe two mentors to follow.

Too many calls and no action leaves you no business!

You already know how to make your business grow…do the things you know how to do now, the other things that take too much of your time to learn and to put into action, do during non business hours.

There are so many ways to grow your business and they are not all meant for you!

Pick the three to five things that you know how to do now and do them consistently till you see a profit.

Here are  3 free mp3’s to help you on your way…to give you clear direction.

I also recommend these books, they will help you on your journey.

1. Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
2. The Master Key System By Charles Haanel
3. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
4. The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind By Dr. Joseph Murphy
5. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
6. First Steps To Wealth by Dani Johnson

Be very careful of the self proclaimed guru’s…and there are many of them.

They add lots of noise, and in the end, add little  real value to you.

Learn the basics of dealing with people, and the rest will fall into place.

To Your Success,

Alice McCarthy


18 thoughts on “Too Many Experts, Too Much Noise!

  1. Hey Alice,

    I totally agree.
    There are so much information and we have so much on our to do lists that it is pretty easy to get caught up in trying to get a lot done, yet “not really getting anywhere syndrome”.
    Been there, done that.
    I always pick a couple of things (as you said) that resonate with me, something that do excite me and just go for it.

    thnx for the share!
    Akos Fintor recently posted..Why My MLM Blog Is Different from Yours?!

  2. This is such an important message Alice. I have to add that I believe a big part of the reason we are inclined to use “experts” as our little blue blankey is shear insecurity. I was in direct sales for about a decade and time and again I saw new Reprs go without sales way too long because they felt they needed to learn it “all” before venturing out the door. Your message is spot on – get thy butt moving!
    marquita herald recently posted..Cultivating Greater Patience Means a Happier, Healthier You

  3. Hi Alice,
    I just loved this article because I feel exactly the same way! I have been online for almost 3 years now and learned more from people that were not “experts” or “gurus” In fact, when I did take courses from the so called “gurus” I was left pretty disappointed. Too much sizzle and no steak.
    It is all about relationships and trust. And I received more steak than sizzle from people I know and trust.
    Donna Merrill recently posted..Assessing The Past

  4. Great article Alice,
    Everyone is an expert today but how many produce long term results?
    We all need a strategy that works for us no matter which one we pick and be consistent, the rest is about delivering the best of who we are and always be informed of what is new on the market as well as what our market yearns for.
    Thank you;)
    Patricia Gozlan recently posted..Get More Out of Life in LessThan 3 Minutes

  5. Alice,

    I have certainly been one of those people who listens to many calls. And, I also take a lot of action. Problem is, I spend a lot of time online. At this point, I often get a few new tips by listening to these self-proclaimed gurus. For example, I learned how to create my Kindle books from one of these calls. I have learned so many small pieces of the online puzzle. And when I am in the midst of an important project, I put the calls aside and forget about them.

    I like what you suggest that we should focus on 3 things we do well until we monetize it. That sounds good to me.


    Dr. Erica
    Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..What Generation Are You? Guest post by Lesly Federici

  6. I see rock star, expert, guru, ninja, etc. and I usually run for the hills. I don’t want to put all the self-proclaimed in one bucket, but most aren’t what they call themselves.

  7. Thanks to Comment Luv, I saw this blog post title while commenting elsewhere and it got my interest immediately as I am just starting a series of posts on a similar theme.

    Unlike some others who have posted here, I don’t run for the hills when I hear “expert” or even “guru.” All of us have expertise which we have or are in the process of developing. And of course quite a few also have considerable experience and success. What’s wrong with that? Nothing.

    The problem is what you have written about. It’s the volume. As in number of experts. And as in level of decibels (figuratively) that occurs when the number of experts that speak to us (via email, webinars, workshops, blog posts, etc etc) add up. So clearly we need to …

    cut back to a smaller number (as you said)
    work on – take action on – what we already know (as you said)
    make sure that the individuals we rely on are helping us by….

    a) providing the big picture so that we understand both what they are teaching us and what they are not (an expert is not an expert in everything)

    b) offering us primarily evergreen products at a good price, not hyped new-launch products that may be terrific but way over-priced.

    Thanks for focusing on this issue. It’s really important to me.
    Richard Goutal recently posted..Building an Online Business Brings Conflicting Advice From All Directions

    1. Hello Richard, I am so glad you found me 🙂

      I agree, evergreen products and information are the things to focus on.

  8. Alice, You are so right! We can get so caught up in learning, activity, conference calls that we don’t get our business off the ground. We download more training, ebooks and never get around to reading them. The gurus talk big and make extreme promises. When it gets right down to it, it takes time and effort to have any kind of business and you are right….Choose your mentor carefully.
    Lynn Jones recently posted..Sharing Kindness at Christmas

  9. You’ve got a great list of books for us to Read. I would add Napoleon Hill’s The 16 Laws of Success! However, I looked up Wallace Wattles’ book and found I could get it for 99 cents to $3.99 on Barnes and Noble Nook Books. Probably the same for some of the other books on Nook or Kindle.

    Yes, too many fake gurus who are expert only at telling you what to do and NOT experts at doing it. (I thought that was what an expert was supposed to be and do!)

    ~ Jupiter Jim
    Jupiter Jim@Thesis Tutorial, Thesis Theme, WordPress Tutorial recently posted..No More Mass Shootings on TV for ME

  10. Alice, you make valid points that the more people read they will gain much clarity before wasting time and money on junk.

    People look for someone to guide them and they get so called gurus that have nothing except ways to take your money. I have seen this in our industry and it will always continue.

    Hopefully with due diligence added to your points made above. Most people will wake-up and get serious about taking their time before jumping into this or that. Consistency and persistence are key and everyone should always be careful.

    Alice, love what your doing with giving us valid information that will help vast numbers of people get this thing right. Those who are serious about creating a real business and leaving a legacy should listen and read all those references. Thanks for being a person who cares for others. You are doing a great job with useful content here.
    William Amis recently posted..Clarity Of Our Industry

  11. Alice, you hit teh nail on the head (as the saying go) All of us can get into following this and that guru (I done many times with out knowing) learning seem like it is a good thing with out knowing that what we actually do is forllow someone with out knowing where we truly go.

    Once we find out that we have no idea where we are going, (the lucky one) will change route… it took me a while but I can say I am happy where I am now since I follow my deep gut feeling and love it.
    Thanks so much for c=sharinga nd for suggesting so many interesting videos and books… I have som already but will get to the rest soon.

    Best wishes for teh Holidays to you and your Falimy.
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