March To The Beat Of Your Own Drum

Most have heard of the 20/80 rule.

This is where 20% of the people do 80% of the work.

What if 20% of the people do 80% of the work because

the 20% made up the rules.

The other 80%… the rules just do not work for.

Your up line is very successful, and you just cannot understand

why you are not.

You have done everything they told you to do.

Understand, that just because it worked for them, doesn’t

mean it will work for you.

We all learn differently, think  differently… have different fears and beliefs.

We are not all one size fits all.

My question to you is… if you haven’t found success yet… what if

you did things differently?

What if you marched to your own drum?

What if you looked at other ways to build your business?

There are many ways to build your dream.

Believe in yourself…think for yourself… and allow yourself

to operate under your own set of rules.

You can be a success!

Alice McCarthy


10 thoughts on “March To The Beat Of Your Own Drum

  1. OMG… BINGO!

    People so need to understand this because it threw me off track for a season…

    Because I started comparing my success with others only to come full circle and realized two things…

    1. Everyone defines success differently.

    2. No one but ME is responsible for my own success.
    Shelly Allen recently posted..Count On YOUR Value NOT Affiliate Tools!

    1. Absolutely…success is a word people associate with lots of money, and it could
      just mean I made 500.00 for a payment.
      We are all different and should never compare ourselves to anyone else.

  2. I love it!!

    It’s the secret!! Establish your stamp on the world and amazing things begin to happen! It’s not necessary to run with the herd day after day, month after month, year after year. It gets a little boring doesn’t it?
    where’s the critical thinking and creativity?!
    BUT..and this is a big BUT..the fundamentals are the fundamentals..and your upline is successful (probably) because she did what has always worked since the beginning of time.. EXPOSING people to the product or opportunity, in numbers. HOW you do it, is what can vary. Love how you think!
    Laura Morris recently posted..The Power of I AM in Your Life

    1. Hello Laura,

      Nice to see you here:)

      I agree learn the core basics…they never change, they are evergreen.

  3. Alice,

    You are so right. I have watched so many online and offline self-proclaimed marketing “gurus” talk about their methods and practices. However, as a Spiritual Relationship Healing Expert, Coach and Therapist, those big marketing tactics do not really work for me. My purpose and message, I believe, requires a softer and more caring approach – and that also suits my personality. But those more aggressive styles and more flashy promises do bring in a greater number of followers. And then I remind myself that numbers do not count. My goal is to provide service and insights for those who are ready to hear my message and willing to do what it takes to overcome their resistance to success.


    Dr. Erica
    Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..What If YOU Knew the Secret to Living Past 100?

    1. Hello Dr. Erica,

      You said ” But those more aggressive styles and more flashy promises do bring in a greater number of followers”

      I agree, and they also leave so many behind disappointed and worse off!!

  4. This blog totally relates to me. I have been involved with an increasingly successful health and fitness mlm company and have found that it easier to just promote myself using their products by documenting my successes and failures with my blog. I find it weird to constantly flood my social media with personal development quotes and such. Those comments help but people get tired of being hammered with that stuff constantly. Like Frank Sinatra, I did it my way.
    Melanie Young recently posted..Fall

    1. Hello Melanie,

      I am glad this helps you.

      There is a proven plan…but it may not work for everyone…so yes do it your way!!

      p.s. I love quotes and never grow tired of them 🙂

  5. YMMV – “Your Mileage May Vary”

    Applies to everything from cars to businesses to life in general!

    We have to take our own unique gifts into consideration and be willing to allow ourselves the time to bloom. No sense hating on a daisey just because it isn’t a tulip!
    Kimberly Castleberry recently posted..Facebook Blocking Friend Requests

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