Is Your Attitude Killing Your Business

Attitude of mind

This is really an important subject for those in a home business.

Your attitude is how you look at a situation, it is how you think about a problem.

Now how you feel about something, and how you look at it, will determine how you handle a problem.

Positive thoughts equal your outlook or thinking, and enthusiasm equals your feelings.

When you take both positive thinking and enthusiasm and combine them together, you
now have a great combination to find the solution to your problems.

Positive thinking does not always change the problem….but it does change us, and how we feel about a problem.

So now lets apply this to your business.

Thoughts create things…so if any of these are your thoughts, your attitude must change, or you will be killing your business

I will give this a try

No one is helping me

I don’t want to do self development

I don’t want to talk to people

I don’t have enough time

I don’t have enough money

I don’t want to blog, do videos, or work online

These and more are all thoughts that create your attitude about your business.

To turn this around, think about what you do want, your wants must be stronger than your fears, or don’t wants, to be able to find your solution to creating the business you have pictured in your mind!

Everything you need comes from within you…you are the only one that knows what you are willing to do and not willing to do in your business.

Do not follow the crowds…think for yourself, what is popular, is not always what is right for you!

I will leave you with this “The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think.Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.” The Master Key System

Alice McCarthy


14 thoughts on “Is Your Attitude Killing Your Business

    1. Yes, it all starts with our thinking.

      Change the stinking thinking to change our lives.

    1. Oh yes, “no one is helping me”, it is easy to think this one Sarah.

      I was at one time one of the ones that thought that same thing.

      We go through many stages of struggles in our business, our thoughts
      create or break us!

  1. Alice, I love that list! When people think or say those statements, they just manifest them. If they could only change it around!

    It is one of my pet peeves when I hear a statement like that. I usually stop the person that says something like “I don’t have enough time.” and explain to them why they do. Usually, they come back and tell me how easy my life is…ha ha Then I go into a ramble of what I deal with. Usually the jaw hits the floor!

    Donna Merrill recently posted..Living Gratitude

    1. Donna, “I don’t have enough time” is one that no one should use.

      We all have the same 24 hrs. in a day.
      Yes, some have a lot on their plate so It really
      comes down to their why, and is it really strong enough to
      get over that excuse!!

  2. Alice,

    Actually, attitude is important for anyone in business. The mind is a tricky place. It takes work to keep those thought of negativity from taking center stage. Becoming discouraged by the things you think is totally under your control. When one of those thoughts surface… and they will… stuff it back down, beat it with a stick, spray it with mace, laugh in it’s face. You, and only you are in control of your thoughts.

    Rick Lelchuk recently posted..I Don’t Want To and You Can’t Make Me – Being Accountable

    1. Hello David,

      It is my understanding that the Secret and Think And Grow Rich were both inspired
      by The Master Key System.

      If you do a search online you can find the book to read online.

  3. I have been out of the direct sales business for about 3 years and I have to say I do not miss it one tiny bit. I love helping people make their dreams come true, but so many find their way to these ‘opportunities’ looking for the quick fix, and an even quicker buck. That said, you’ve provided some excellent tips and advice and I sincerely hope anyone struggling to get their business off the ground will take it to heart.
    marquita herald recently posted..The Risky Business of Living Life to the Fullest

    1. Marquita,

      It is not for everyone…
      Too many fall in love with the IDEA of being
      their own boss, but never will!

      Much Success to you!

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