Everyone Is Not Meant To Be An Entrepreneur

Everyone  is not an entrepreneur, everyone should not be in your business.
Never try to convince anyone to partner with you…it never  ends well.

Lets compare your business to a job interview.
If you really wanted the job you would dress well, and have
some questions in mind that you think they are going to ask you.
You would be prepared.

Now the one asking the questions is going along great then all a sudden
the interviewer reaches over the desk puts their hands on your throat and
says don’t you want this job, don’t you know what you have here?

At this point you step back and think… I don’t think so buddy.

Same in your business…once you start pushing it on them, they will step away,
even if they are ready to be in business for themselves.
They will seek someone else out that has posture and control.

You have a way for others to help themselves to their success.

Those that see it will raise their hand, those that don’t let them go.

You are a business person, seeking others that want to be in business too.

To Your Success,
Alice McCarthy

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